Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Thanksgiving Recap

Happy Tuesday ya'll! Hope everyone is fully recovered from turkey day.  It was a nice break for me, I was home from Wednesday-Sunday and got lots accomplished during the time.  I had a few things that were on my "to do" list, and because I love to see a list with lines through it here we go...

-Dresser for BK's room
-Cross some more peeps off the Christmas shopping list
-Put Christmas decorations up
-Make a recipe off of pinterest (I'm an overachiever and made two!)
-Wrap presents to put under the tree
-Go to Michael's and stock up on craft supplies
-Organize under the kitchen sink
-Purchase those cool black hangers that I've been seeing on pinterest
-Make a yarn wreath

We also spent lots of quality time with Ashby's family from California, who were here for Thanksgiving. We had dinner together several times, went to see Lincoln (excellent movie btw!), brunch at Marty's, shopping with the boys on Black Friday.  Yes, I convinced not only Ashby, but his cousins Taylor and Michael to go Black Friday shopping with me (at the reasonable hour of 11:30am).  We hit up Best Buy, Bass Pro Shops (they wanted to go there), Ulta (they kept following me around like puppy dogs, I tried to loose them but it didn't work) and Target.  All in all it was a quick shopping trip but there were no lines and we got everything we needed! It's always so much fun when they are in town : )

Back to these recipes. Like every Thanksgiving I made Broccoli and Cheese Rice (recipe from my Grandmutti) but this year I also came across this amazing Roasted Butternut Squash salad recipe.  Of course I didn't take a picture of it because my food pics never come out good and sometimes it's weird to take pictures of your food.  Anyway, make this. You'll love it. I promise.

Also, I've come to the realization that the casseroles are where it's at for me on Thanksgiving. I don't even need the turkey or the ham. Who's with me?

I also decided that I needed something sweet, because I hadn't had nearly enough carbs for the weekend so I made these peanut butter cookies.  I used white chocolate chips. These are way too easy. I may be making another batch tonight.  Again, I didn't take a picture. Fun fact, I think these cookies make Bailey move around even more. I slammed a few down yesterday and she was moving ALL DAY LONG!

Here are some pictures from the weekend....

Consider this a 31 Week Bump pic.

Cute couple. Cute nephew. Cousins (photo bombed by two outsiders)
Abby spreading Christmas cheer.

Later taters...

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