Friday, December 28, 2012

Bump Report: 36 Weeks

Hello! Hope everyone had a very merry Christmas! We sure did! We started our holiday off with a Christmas dinner at Hollis' house with Ashby's family. Best steak ever. My family got into town last Saturday and we hung out, watched Christmas movies, baked cookies and other Christmas type food! We headed over to Bambi's on Christmas Eve for a little chili dinner. We also did an ornament exchange while Bambi read 'Twas the Night Before Christmas.  Everyone brought an ornament and passed to the left or to the right while she was reading the poem based on her que.  It was really fun and new ornaments, that's what I'm talking about! Christmas morning came early for Ashby and I since we both have been battling a cold.  We threw in the towel at 4:30 and went down to man cave to watch a movie until everyone else woke up.  I managed to walk past the santa presents without peaking! Once everyone was up, we ate our first round of monkey bread, opened presents and then headed over to Hollis' for more breakfast and present opening.  It was sad to see my parents leave and not be able to spend Christmas in Pittsburgh with my family but we made the best of it! We just hung out at home for the rest of the day, and I made a small Christmas dinner for us that night.

The rest of the week I've been working at my alternate work location (my kitchen) sporadically and have mixed in at least one shopping adventure to the Williamsburg outlets already.

Today I've got a doctors appointment and then I'm heading to short pump before the craziness of the weekend ensues.  My plan is to bunker down this weekend and stay home, maybe work on this t-shirt quilt.  I heard we might get light snow flurries, I wouldn't mind it, as long as they were light!

Bump picture:

How far along? 36 Weeks

Total weight gain: 24lbs thus far.

Maternity clothes?  Yes. Except for the pants I'm wearing today which are stretchy!

Stretch marks? None. 

Sleep:  Haven't been getting much sleep due to the cold and just plain discomfort.  

Best moment this week: Christmas and spending time with family

Miss Anything?  No.

Food cravings: I'm on the sweet train, these cookies have to get out of my house asap, or else I'm going to turn into a cookie

Anything making you queasy or sick: Just coffee

Labor Signs: No. As of last week there were no signs of progress!

Symptoms:  I'm not really sure if this qualifies as a symptom but sometimes Bailey will move around and I will get this shooting pain in my right hip flexor.  Maybe she hits a nerve, I'm not really sure, but the pain brings me to my knees.  Maybe I've reported this already, I don't really remember!

Belly Button in or out? In 

Wedding rings on or off? on. 

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy and excited that we have less than a month to go!

Looking forward to: The nursery glider being delivered and finishing up the final touches in the nursery

The baby is the size of:   A crenshaw melon (I don't even know what this is), weighing about 6 lbs and about 18.5 inches long.  All of her organs are pretty much set to go, her lungs are still growing.  

Happy Weekend!

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