Thursday, April 16, 2015

Thoughts for Thursday

Work has been straight stressing me out this week. I'm ready for the weekend!

I tried linking up to Thoughts for Thursday but it's not working for me today.  So here are my thoughts.....

1. I'm so excited to the Lilly for Target launch on Sunday. I can't decide if I should took my chances online or in the stores. I'm not into standing in line with a whole bunch of crazy women so online might be worth it. I've got my wishlist going, I'm going to try to be good but there are so many cute things. I've been saving all my monies for this!
Lilly Favs

2. I'm helping to host a baby shower this weekend for Ashby's cousin. Planning on bringing this pasta salad and a fruit salad.

Pic is from Natalie. She has the best recipes.

3. These crib sheets. Too bad they weren't around when I was nursery planning for Bailey. So cute right?!?

Fitted Sheet

4. Working on ideas for Bailey's big girl room. Love a few items from Pottery Barn Kids.

1Floral Trellis Duvet Cover
2Chinoiserie Duvet Cover
3. Jungle Safari Sheet Set

Of course none of these options really go together and are totally different from each other. I just love each of the prints. I definitely want something fun and bright. I think we are sticking to a twin size bed that way Bailey will have more room for toys and play!

So that was a totally random post but that's what I've got going on in my head today!

Almost Friday ya'll : )

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Weekend Recap

Happy Tuesday! Hardest day of the week is over and we are already close to Friday again, woohoo!

We kicked off the weekend early on Thursday night and took Bailey to her first baseball game. We have a minor league team here named the Flying Squirrels. We told her we'd be going to a baseball game before we took her to school so she was pretty excited when we headed out that night. She caught on pretty quickly and was clapping and cheering, she loved the squirrel mascot. Although, I think if she saw him up close she would freak out. She ate her first stadium hot dog. More like devoured it. Eat them there because you aren't eating them at my house! Gross! We lasted until about the 3rd inning, it was cold and rainy and bed time.

Friday night we just hung out and then after Bailey went to bed we started to watch Bloodline on Netflix.  Has anyone started or finished this? We think it's slow, it's good but slow. We are invested now so we have to finish it!

Saturday I had a bridal shower for my sorority little sister in Warrenton, VA.  The bridesmaids hosted and we nailed it. Although I must admit, my major contribution was the champs otherwise my other friend Cara nailed it with the food and decorations! We had a really yummy pineapple dish. She told me don't even ask how many sticks of butter were in the dish, so I just gobbled away. Calories don't count on the weekends right?!?

Bridesmaids, mother of the bride (on right), and Cara's mom (on left)

Stephanie (the bride) had a friend make these awesome cupcakes
Bubbly bar. I made the monogram on that beverage tub!

When I got home we headed over to my sister in laws house. They just got a new trampoline so Bailey enjoyed that. It was a beautiful afternoon and watching all the cousins run around together was great. We ended with mexican. Bailey was tearing up my steak fajitas!

Sunday we went out to Short Pump mall were Bailey rode the train. She loves the train. She saw it coming and was yelling "choo choo" at the top of her lungs. Everyone in line was laughing. What can I say, she knows what she likes.

Daddy and Bailey on the train!

The mall also had a little petting zoo going on, it was one of the reasons we went there that morning.  Bailey patiently stood in line and then we got some food to feed the animals. She caught on pretty quickly on how to stick her hand out to feed the animals. She LOVED it! She would start screaming when they would lick her. I took so many pictures but I'll give you the best two!

We then had to run around the water. She kept saying "I run round water"

Got home just in time for a nap and finished the day with watching The Masters and then going to the playground. Girl loves to watch some golf, which is good because I do not!

This little tractor is right by the playground and we had to take her "scooter" over there so she could see the "little tractor". She is really into all things tractors, fire engines and trucks! 

Love these little weekends we have together when we can just go at our own pace and really enjoy each other! 

This week my major goal is to film my BodyPump video for certification. I attempted last night but the ipad cut off after after 15 minutes. It's an hour class. FAIL. Truth though, I was so nervous and made mistakes I wouldn't normally make so I think it was a good practice round!

Hope you all have an awesome week!

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Easter Weekend Recap

Ya'll Easter was awesome! The weather was perfect and it was so great to be around family.  We kicked the weekend off with drinks at my mother in laws and picking up family at the airport.

Saturday we had everyone over to our house for a feast! I made the Ina Garten recipe from my last post and it turned out pretty amazing. I don't even like pork and I ate the leftovers. Whhaaatt? You know that means it was good.

I also made my bunny cakes. They were a little sad but pretty tasty.

The Easter bunny visited Bailey and spoiled her with lots of goodies.

We woke up bright and early on Easter Sunday and attended church service at Ashby's grandparents church. It was so beautiful. Bailey really enjoyed all of the live music. She sat through the entire thing. Ashby had stickers all over his face by the end but we survived!

Then it was off to brunch but more importantly an Easter egg hunt.  Bailey found a basketball in the yard and thought that should go into her basket. When we told her no she was over egg hunting and chose to swing instead! 

All in all it was a success! Hope you all had an amazing weekend as well. I've got lots of errands and work work to accomplish today. Boo! I am going to take barre today and team teach body pump later tonight. I'm not a two a day kinda girl so I'll probably be very sore and tired by 8:30 tonight. Wish me luck!

Anything exciting going on for you this week?

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Thoughts for Thursday: Easter Prep

Hi guys! I'm linking up with East Coast Chic for Thoughts for Thursday!

Thoughts for Thursday

So currently I'm preparing for a fun family filled Easter weekend. Ashby's Aunt and Uncle are flying in from California, and his cousin who lives in DC will all be in the RVA for Easter! We are hosting a dinner on Saturday for the family.

-I usually am not a fan of pork tenderloin but for whatever reason that sounded really delish with some asparagus. I'm thinking I'll try Ina's recipe?   *Sidenote- Ina use to get on my nerves but now I kinda like her!

-I will be making my famous white cheddar pimento cheese (Thanks, Southern Living). Here is the recipe. Make it. You'll love it. I promise.

W H I T E  C H E D D A R  C H I V E  P I M E N T O  C H E E S E

-1 12 oz block of white cheddar cheese shredded
-1/3 cup plus 2 tablespoons mayonaise
- 1 4 oz jar pimentos rinsed and drained
- 1/3 cup freshly diced chives
- 1 tablespoon dijon mustard
- 1/2 teaspoon worschestire sauce
- 1/4 teaspoon ground red pepper
- 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper.

Grate half the cheese using the large holes in a box grater and the remaining half with the small holes.  Stir together Mayo and next 6 ingredients.  Stir in cheese until blended.  Let sit 15 minutes.  Serve immediately or chill up to 3 days.

- The last thing that I'm going to attempt to make is a bunny cake. Like the one below. I bought lemon cake box mix and cream cheese frosting. Wish me luck!

-All of the Easter bunny basket fun has been purchased. I'm so excited because the Easter bunny brought Bailey a new pair of summer shoes. Who doesn't love new shoes?!?

-We attempted to dye Easter eggs two nights ago. I bought a kit and fake eggs a year ago and they have lived in the closet until this week. It was pure crazy. Ashby kept giving me the stink eye and insisting Bailey was too little to dye Easter eggs. He was right but I wasn't giving up. She kept reaching for the little tubs of dye and I could just see it going EVERYWHERE. We ended up putting all the eggs in each of the containers and lettings her move them around with one of the wire sticks. The entire thing lasted 5 minutes. Now I have horrendously dyed fake eggs that I have to figure out how to decorate with. Pictures to follow from Saturday's party. 

-Do you take your kids to see the Easter bunny? We've never taken Bailey.

- I'm excited for the Easter egg hunts this year because I think Bailey will really be into it. She's been playing with all of the empty eggs this past week.  In honor of #tbt here is my baby girl celebrating her first Easter!

Have a great day!

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Yes, We are all still alive

So I completely failed at my goal of keeping up with our families adventures after Miss Bailey was born. It's now been over 2 years since our little girl came into this world, many of you are semi up to date on our lives and how those 2 years have been. Bottom line, we've survived! It's been so fun to see her little personality develop, watch all the milestones happen, including growing hair! So I won't rehash the last two years, I might throw in some oldie but goodie pics for good measure but otherwise we'll just carry on like you're completely up to date. Cool? Cool!

Today is April Fools day. Truth- I'm not into April Fools. I already second guess things a lot and I don't need to be doing that for an entire day. No thank you. Instead I'l just share some April month goals with you

1. Film teaching an entire class of BodyPump to become a fully certified instructor.
* Back story here- I went through training in February to become an instructor and after I am certified I will be teaching at our local gym!

2. Clean up our eating! We have gotten off course between trips and no calorie counting on the weekends. More veggies less chocolate.

3. Keep a cleaner home. Let's be real, I'm not the best at this

4. Spend more time outside with Bailey

We've got lots of fun things planned this month between bridal showers, baby showers and a wedding. April is shaping up to be a super busy month for us.

I'll leave you with some pictures from Bailey over this past weekend. She had daddy all to herself while mama lived it up in Nashville. #SorryImNotSorry.

Just me and the girls celebrating Stephs Nash Bash 
Riding around on her new frozen mobile
Good Morning Sunshine

What are your goals for the month? Any fun plans?

Happy Hump Day. Bye Bye!