We kicked off the weekend early on Thursday night and took Bailey to her first baseball game. We have a minor league team here named the Flying Squirrels. We told her we'd be going to a baseball game before we took her to school so she was pretty excited when we headed out that night. She caught on pretty quickly and was clapping and cheering, she loved the squirrel mascot. Although, I think if she saw him up close she would freak out. She ate her first stadium hot dog. More like devoured it. Eat them there because you aren't eating them at my house! Gross! We lasted until about the 3rd inning, it was cold and rainy and bed time.
Friday night we just hung out and then after Bailey went to bed we started to watch Bloodline on Netflix. Has anyone started or finished this? We think it's slow, it's good but slow. We are invested now so we have to finish it!
Saturday I had a bridal shower for my sorority little sister in Warrenton, VA. The bridesmaids hosted and we nailed it. Although I must admit, my major contribution was the champs otherwise my other friend Cara nailed it with the food and decorations! We had a really yummy pineapple dish. She told me don't even ask how many sticks of butter were in the dish, so I just gobbled away. Calories don't count on the weekends right?!?
Bridesmaids, mother of the bride (on right), and Cara's mom (on left)
Stephanie (the bride) had a friend make these awesome cupcakes
Bubbly bar. I made the monogram on that beverage tub!
When I got home we headed over to my sister in laws house. They just got a new trampoline so Bailey enjoyed that. It was a beautiful afternoon and watching all the cousins run around together was great. We ended with mexican. Bailey was tearing up my steak fajitas!
Sunday we went out to Short Pump mall were Bailey rode the train. She loves the train. She saw it coming and was yelling "choo choo" at the top of her lungs. Everyone in line was laughing. What can I say, she knows what she likes.
Daddy and Bailey on the train!
The mall also had a little petting zoo going on, it was one of the reasons we went there that morning. Bailey patiently stood in line and then we got some food to feed the animals. She caught on pretty quickly on how to stick her hand out to feed the animals. She LOVED it! She would start screaming when they would lick her. I took so many pictures but I'll give you the best two!

We then had to run around the water. She kept saying "I run round water"

Got home just in time for a nap and finished the day with watching The Masters and then going to the playground. Girl loves to watch some golf, which is good because I do not!

This little tractor is right by the playground and we had to take her "scooter" over there so she could see the "little tractor". She is really into all things tractors, fire engines and trucks!

Love these little weekends we have together when we can just go at our own pace and really enjoy each other!
This week my major goal is to film my BodyPump video for certification. I attempted last night but the ipad cut off after after 15 minutes. It's an hour class. FAIL. Truth though, I was so nervous and made mistakes I wouldn't normally make so I think it was a good practice round!
Hope you all have an awesome week!
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