Friday, September 14, 2012

Bump Report: 21 Weeks

I'm still alive I promise! Punta Cana was amazing and maybe one day I'll do an entire post of it, but here are some pictures to tide you over....

Things have been crazy around here since getting back last week. I'm literally living out of suitcase.  Today I'm leaving in a few short hours to head to California for a work conference, mixed with a little pleasure.  So here is a picture from last week that sort of shows a bump.

How far along? 21 

Total weight gain:  5 lbs. I've stopped weighing myself. 

Maternity clothes?  Bella bands, although my zippers aren't zipping up quite so far. Mission in California is to find some maternity pants.

Stretch marks? None yet.

Sleep:  I've got energy.  I've been staying up until 10 pm. Whhaattt.

Best moment this week: Going to California.

Miss Anything? Control of my bladder. I mean I'm not peeing everywhere, but I have to go like every 5 minutes.

Food cravings: Chocolate chip pancakes. I've had them for dinner 3 times this week. No judging.

Anything making you queasy or sick: No.

Gender: GIRL!

Labor Signs: No

Symptoms:  Constant use of the bathroom. She is also very active and moving around at night when I'm watching TV/falling asleep.

Belly Button in or out? In and I hope it stays that way.

Wedding rings on or off? on

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy and excited!

Looking forward to:  Getting cute maternity clothes.  Planning the nursery.

The baby is the size of:  Pomegranate

Sorry this is pretty short and sweet, but I'm still packing, eating and watching a little Parenthood on TV before I leave for the airport.  This is the last trip for a while, praise the lord!

Happy Friday!