Friday, October 19, 2012

Bump Report: 26 Weeks

Hello hello! 26 weeks today, time is flying by and I'm kinda happy about that : ) I'm ready to meet this little girl already!

We had so much fun with Ashby's family last weekend, tons of food, fun and laughing.  When we got there on Friday night we ended up eating dinner and then going to a bar. Yes, I thoroughly enjoyed a cup of coffee at the bar while everyone around me enjoyed their adult beverages. We also witnessed a fight and it took us 30 minutes to move through the crowd of people to use the bathroom at the bar. Honestly, I had a great time! We also had the opportunity to meet several of Michael (Ashby's cousins) friends, who are majority girls, he literally had 15 girls around him at one time. It was hilarious!

The weather was perfect for football on Saturday. We started the day by touring Michael's fraternity (Sig Ep) house. It is currently being built and they are all supposed to move in within two weeks. The place was huge!

Virginia Tech ended up wining the game, which made all of us very happy, and we ended up tailgating until about 6pm! Ashby and I got home and hung out for a little, then went back out to celebrate Bambi's birthday.

So there is a little weekend recap for ya! This weekend Ashby and I are planning to work in baby girl's nursery. We have to remove some furniture, sort through clothes in the closet, and organize important paperwork/documents.  I know this sounds super fun.... Honestly though, I've been struggling with deciding on the decor for the nursery and a blank space will be a lot easier to work with then what I've got now!

Now for the standard bump picture....

How far along? 26 Weeks

Total weight gain:  So earlier this week I got on the scale. Big mistake, it's not that it's a lot, I just don't think I can look as the numbers begin to climb. 13lbs so far.

Maternity clothes?  Maternity bottoms all the time, or stretchy pants.  I have several maternity shirts and am still able to wear some of my normal shirts.  Luckily it's starting to get cooler and I can wear some of my bigger sweaters/wraps. 

Stretch marks? I finally got new cream! There are two stories related to this new cream. 1) I was on the phone with my Mom while getting the cream. She informed me that she never used cream and never got stretch marks and people that she does know, that did use cream, have stretch marks.  Moral of the story: She thinks I don't need it. 2) I went to use my lotion on Tuesday morning and I could not get the thing open. Ashby tried, I tried, Ashby tried again. Nothing. I ended up taking a screw driver to the top that afternoon. I mean really, how long have I been looking forward to getting new cream and then I can't get the thing opened. Lame. P.S. It smells delish. It's the Gud brand from Burts Bee.

Sleep:  Yeah, it's just not comfortable.  

Best moment this week: Going to pick up Bailey's crib (thank you parentals) and going out to eat at Firebirds. We had a scratch off coupon (the kind they have to scratch for you once you get there), that ended up being $25 off of meal. Winning. 

Miss Anything? Wearing my non-maternity jeans. Sleeping on my stomach. 

Food cravings: Randomly I have been wanting homestyle cooking this week. I had a bbq meatloaf, sweet potatoes and kale earlier this week and a pot roast in the crockpot. The bbq meatloaf was super good, I gave myself a pat of the back (like 5 times) and made Ashby pat me on my back.  

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope.

Labor Signs: No

Symptoms:  I've never had indigestion before, but I feel like I have it now.  Since this weekend all I've been doing is burping.  Gross.  I think it have it pegged to fried food (I've been partaking in a little too much recently) and coffee. I'm not giving up coffee, I'd rather burp all day then go without. 

Belly Button in or out? In and I hope it stays that way.

Wedding rings on or off? on

Happy or Moody most of the time: Excited but a little stressed with my to do list. 

Looking forward to:  Cleaning out the nursery this weekend and getting things organized in Casa de Walton. Ashby's 30th birthday. 

The baby is the size of:   An english cucumber (weight wise/length wise), I'd post a pic of the cucumber but it just looks wrong. Also, her ears are fully developed and she is more sensitive to sound now, meaning she can now hear our voices.  

This was a long one wasn't it?! Thanks for hanging in there until the end! Enjoy your Friday and your weekend!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Bump Report: 25 Weeks

Happy Friday! We are leaving today for a weekend in Blacksburg, VA with Ashby's family and are pretty excited about it. Hopefully VT will get their act together and win against Duke. Either way the tailgate will still go on, and I'm very excited about that!

So instead of packing I'm catching up on Real Housewives of New York : ) My priorities are definitely in the right place.

Ashby has not been thrilled taking these pictures of me, he takes like 10 pictures and then I get a whole bunch of nonsense ones that I can't use. However, you can still see little Bailey is growing by the day.

How far along? 25 Weeks

Total weight gain:  I'm sure it's over 10lbs by now. I'll let you know the next time the doctor weighs me!

Maternity clothes?  Yes. I'm on the hunt for some skinny jeans and then I think my pregnancy wardrobe will be complete. 

Stretch marks? None yet. This reminds me I need to get some new cream. 

Sleep:  Sleeping has become uncomfortable. I'm fine on the couch but in bed, I sleep with 3 pillows and rotate - side, back (not completely flat), other side, wake up at 12:50ish AM for a potty break, repeat. 

Best moment this week: Getting to see David and Kate (who flew in from CA), cooler weather and football. All of this hasn't happened yet, but it will in a few short hours.

Miss Anything? Alcohol. I really do sound like an alcoholic here. I had a not so awesome day earlier this week, and went straight to Kroger to get some Alcohol Free Red Wine (grape juice but in a fancy bottle), while Ashby was drinking real wine. Confession- I took a sip of his and felt like I was in high school. It tasted plain nasty. So maybe I just miss the thought of alcohol? 

Food cravings: Anything sweet. There is candy in the office leftover from the conference in CA. Yeah, I totally had to limit myself today. Baby Ruths are delicious. 

Anything making you queasy or sick: Sometimes coffee makes me a little queasy but I stick it out because honestly it's pumpkin latte season people. 

Labor Signs: No

Symptoms:  Growing belly and terrible acne. It's come back with a vengeance : (

Belly Button in or out? In and I hope it stays that way.

Wedding rings on or off? on

Happy or Moody most of the time: Excited. I just can't wait to meet Baby Bailey.

Looking forward to:  Picking up the crib next week and getting started on this nursery. I'm also planning a party for Ashby's 30th Birthday! 

The baby is the size of:  rutabaga or cauliflower. I don't like either of those items but I'm happy she is growing and showing love by moving around lots. 

So that''s all I've got for today. Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Bump Report: 24 Weeks

Hello! I know I'm sorry I told you all I would blog last week and then I didn't, please forgive me! I'm finally settling back into the swing of things now that all this traveling is over. The traveling sort of derailed all the good work I was doing, like working out and not eating everything that I wanted to. Yes, I've succumb to the fact that this bump is only getting bigger!

Last week my aunt Marfi came to visit us for the weekend and we got a few things accomplished.  I wanted to go to Babies R Us and scope out strollers and car seats, however, both of the stores in the area were having "moving sales" and they are consolidating into a new store that opens Oct 12th. Awesome timing, even more awesome that I didn't know about these sales, so by the time I got there they had some lame clothing left and a whole bunch of shelving. Neither of which were on my list. We also went to Pottery Barn Kids and looked at a crib I was interested in as well as some bedding.  Sprinkled into the trip were flu shots for both Ashby and I (yipee), eating out (I didn't forget how to cook, I just don't like to), maternity clothes shopping (Thank you Marfi) and cat time with Abby and Lloyd. Marfi and I looked at all my fabric swatches and compared it with a nursery picture out of the PB Kids magazine that I like. So far we know the nursery will be pink and white and the crib has been purchased (thank you Grandparents/Rick and Kelley/Mom and Dad).  I'll do a follow up post on nursery ideas next week. If you follow me on pinterest you know I've pinned about every fabric available in the world this past week.

Ashby and I don't have much on tap for this weekend, hopefully a little organization and cleaning out the nursery.  I need a blank slate to work with! Ashby has also given me a new name when it comes to the nursery..."Momzilla". I have no idea why?!?

This are all my nursery ideas that I taped up to the wall. I'm not crazy, I just needed a visual.

In the past two weeks my small bump has turned into a larger bump....

Also, I'm sure most of you know baby girls name but in case you do not it is Bailey Kate Walton.

How far along? 24 Weeks

Total weight gain:  10 lbs. I only know this because I went to the doctor last week.

Maternity clothes?  I'm now into maternity clothes. Still use bella bands occasionally but I can't really zip my pants up much. Work wear maternity clothes are the best. Why can't I wear them all the time? I had to go ahead and take the plunge with the maternity clothes because things were starting to feel a little too tight, causing Bailey to move around a lot!

Stretch marks? None yet. Almost done with stinky burts bees lotion. My next option is body shop.

Sleep:  Last weekend I was staying up until 11pm. Don't worry, it's caught up with me, I fell asleep at 9 last night. It just depends on the day. 

Best moment this week: The crib getting purchased. First step in designing her nursery.

Miss Anything? Working out hard like I use to. I don't have the energy and can't hold my bladder long enough. I'm trying to keep up with strength training and walking but it's frustrating because I feel like I'm not accomplishing anything.

Food cravings: Anything sweet. There is candy in the office leftover from the conference in CA. Yeah, I totally had to limit myself today. Baby Ruths are delicious. 

Anything making you queasy or sick: No.

Labor Signs: No

Symptoms:  Same as the last post, lots of potty breaks and the fact that she is very active at night. 

Belly Button in or out? In and I hope it stays that way.

Wedding rings on or off? on

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy : )

Looking forward to:  Decorating the nursery. Fall weather. 

The baby is the size of:  Cantaloupe. Holy crap that's big. 

That's all I've got for tonight. Time to finish my McFlurry and pass out on the couch. Here is a little song to get your weekend going. I like to change the words up..."Come on Bailey let the good times roll", or my personal fav "Come on moo moo let the good times roll". Ashby and I call Lloyd moo moo which could result in Bailey thinking cats say "moo" instead of "meow". Cat people problems. Enjoy!

Warning: This is a rap video., but has a really cool white guy in it wearing Ashby's sweatshirt.  That is all.